

Nursery, LKG, and UKG classes

Teaching oriented to age-specific learning

Classes Nursery, LKG, and UKG are included in the pre-primary division. The Pre-Primary syllabus is centred on age-specific learning outcomes.  At this young age, the objective is to awaken the senses, inquire into various themes and subjects; questions and discoveries are intentionally accepted and encouraged.

Every activity is explored by both the teachers and the students. The teachers reflect on its significance for the individual child to make the learning authentic and personal, by also being aware of the child’s socio-cultural context. 

Here, the classrooms serve a more nuanced purpose. Developmental skills are imparted by observations of nature, construction with building blocks and clay, etc. The youngsters are free to discover and learn at their own speed. Digital learning resources ensure that learning in the Learning Centre. Later, the emphasis changes to their inherent interest in books and artwork.

The below subjects are covered for young children to ensure holistic development: