

Creative expression for our students

The Arts and Crafts department is a lively, exciting, and invigorating place. It covers a wide range of skills: poster making, painting, collage making, origami, kite making, tying & dyeing, etc. 

These activities are one of the best ways for students to have fun, and discover their creative spark. Valued not only for their stress-busting, these skills also emphasize the need for teamwork. They stimulate camaraderie, knowledge sharing and ideas, and ultimately a feeling of a common achieved goal. True to the goal of  fostering well-rounded individuals, the curriculum design and pedagogical choices are centered around team cooperation, engendering a sense of independent thought, and collaborative spirit in all the students of the school.

The school has a dedicated Art and Craft Room to preserve the students’ creative work to display. Art Exhibitions are held at the school to display creations of the students.