
How can I help my child if he is struggling with homework?

Educational aspects require the involvement of parents. It is said that parents are the first teachers of their kids. They have been responsible for teaching different things to their children since their arrival in this world. They teach their children in the  toddler stages things like how to speak, how to eat, how to walk,etc., and many more things. At a proper time, they teach their children manners and how to behave properly. They share their experiences and tell their children what’s right and wrong. In short, they intend to give proper direction to their children’s lives. 

As homework is a crucial part of studies at DPS Warangal, parents’ involvement in their kids’ homework is necessary. Receiving their parents’ help with their studies can help their children succeed more in academics. Parents’ help with their homework can give their children the greatest motivation to study, which will lead to their academic development. Homework is the connecting bridge between school and study. It allows your child to gain a deeper understanding of the topics. Helping your child with their homework will connect you to them, and it will help nurture your bond with them. Your guidance will also help your child’s confidence boost in educational fields.

As a parent, have you ever thought to help your child with his homework? Many parents face the question, ‘How could you help your child with his or her homework?’ Many parents should have different concerns regarding how to help their children with their studies. If you are struggling to help your child with his homework, go through this article. It will be helpful to you in getting your answers regarding homework and the studies of your child.

What difficulties do children’s face while doing their homework?

1. Difficulty in learning 

In this universe, everyone is born unique, so everyone’s grasping power and learning capacity differ. Every child can’t consume  knowledge at the same speed as another. Parents should know that, and they should avoid comparing their child with other children. Children may have many difficulties learning the things the teacher is telling them in class. He may not get it sometimes, and thus, they felt difficulty doing their homework related to that topic.

2. Lack of motivation

 Children may avoid their homework sometimes due to a lack of motivation to study. Parent’s should try to motivate them to study.

3. Issues related to time management

Time management is an important factor in children’s schedules. They spend specific time in school and the remaining time watching TV, playing games, sports, and other extracurricular activities. Time mismanagement prevents them from doing their homework.

4. Environment to study

If a child doesn’t get an educational environment in their home, they don’t have the mood to study. Parents should tell them the importance of education and studies and create a healthy environment in the house.

5. Emotional factors

Emotional factors are a major factor affecting the concentration of children while studying. If your child feels emotionally unstable or disturbed, then he will not be able to concentrate on doing his homework. 

Top 5 most effective ways to help your child with homework 

1. Cultivate a supportive environment  

a. Set up a designated study space:

Parents should make sure they create an educational environment in their home. Try to set up a comfortable study space for your child. Make sure it has facilities such as a study table, study lamp, stopwatch, pen, pencil, and other stationary accessories related to studying. Make sure it has enough space to sit comfortably. The study area should be located in such a place that it has abundant natural light and air. Make sure it is away from distractions and disturbances. It will be helpful to stimulate your child’s study, and it will set their mood to study.

b. Set a regular schedule and routine for study:

Set up a regular study time for your kids. It will control their time management problems, and it will promote organizational quality in them. It will also maintain the consistency with which your child studies or completes his homework. Help your child make a schedule for after-school time. Allocate specific time for study, homework, outdoor time, playing sports, sleep, and other chores. Time slots should be distributed according to your child’s preferences.

c. Prefer open communication:

Communicate freely with your child from time to time. They will feel free to ask you about anything and to share their problems and difficulties with you. Discuss homework regularly. Tell them to inform you if they feel any difficulty while doing homework. 

2. Provide them with your guidance and assistance

a. Breaking down assignments into manageable tasks: 

Help them prepare their to-do list according to the study task they have to carry out. Break down their assignments and homework into small parts. It will help them complete their homework task, bit by bit. It will also encourage them to complete the task rapidly, as the parts will be small to complete. You should give them a target to complete some part of the task in a given time and half of it after taking the break.

b. Monitor and offer to explain when needed:

Avoid losing to their plead and doing their homework. Instead, you should tell them to do their homework all by themselves. Just offer your help if they are struck at some point in the task. Explain to them the problem or question they are struck with. Make yourself ready to solve their problems. Check their completed task and ask them questions and quizzes related to their work. This will help you track their progress in their studies.

c. Teaching strategies:

When your child studies in kindergarten, you can easily help them with their homework as it is accessible to you. You can tell them to learn ABCD, 1234, and also tables from 2 to 10. But as they grew older, parents didn’t know the exact content of their lessons and studies. In this case, you should try to gain knowledge about their current syllabus. For example, if your child is having difficulty solving math problems, you should teach him a method to solve them instead of giving him a ready-made solution. Try to solve their problems at your level. If that’s not possible, then ask for his teacher’s help.

3. Promote independence and make them responsible 

a. Promote problem-solving skills and self-support:

Kids only learn when they think about it or try it themselves. Don’t provide them directly with answers to their questions. Instead, explain the question properly and encourage them to give it’s answer on their own. In this way, they will go deep into that topic, looking for answers. This will make them self-reliant and disciplined.

b. Allowing children to make mistakes and learn from them:

When you encourage them to do their own study or homework by themselves, they will at least try. If they make mistakes in their homework, just provide them with some guidance. This way, they will find their own mistakes and they will correct them. Children should learn from their own mistakes, and try to fix those mistakes. Thus, will give sharpness to your child’s mind and help them develop their personality.

c. Provide feedback on their work and praise them if it is done well:

Check their assignments or homework regularly. Keep an eye on their study. If they complete it, then praise them. You can just say, “It’s great; you completed it. Good job.”

This will motivate them to work harder next time. If they solve any difficulty with great effort, then reward them with something like chocolates or their favorite things. This will give them motivation to study. If they make any mistakes in their homework or if they haven’t done it properly, then give them a comment on it. This will further help them make changes to it. 

4. Collaboration with teachers and school

a. Stay in contact with teachers:

Parents should try to maintain communicative contact with their children’s teachers. They should speak about their child’s plus points and what’s lacking. This will help take a look at their child’s academic record.

b. Seek additional support:

Parents should try their best to help their kids with homework and solve their difficulties. But if it’s not possible for them to solve their difficulty regarding studies, then they can seek additional help with tuition and classes. In the case of teenagers, they often listen to teachers rather than parents. Also, some parents can’t understand the syllabus of teenagers or university students. In this case, try to seek outside help.

c. Attending parent-teacher meetings:

Try to attend every meeting held at your child’s school. It will help you track down your child’s condition in school and his progress in his studies. 

5. Balancing expectations and support

a. Setting realistic goals and expectations: 

Set goals for them to complete a specific assignment or a specific amount of work in a specific amount of time. You can use a stopwatch to track down the time. It will be much easier and faster to complete the task this way.

b. Celebrating achievements and progress:

Celebrate any academic achievement of your child and praise them. Encourage them to keep it up. For example, you can say, “ Keep it up, dear. You have done your best.” Or “I am proud of you. Keep going like this. Be consistent.” 

Children require their parents back in educational fields. Parents should give them the necessary environment and encourage them to study and complete their homework. They should serve as a guide for their kids rather than completing their child’s homework by themselves. Try to be supportive of their studies. Help them if there is any obstacle in completing their homework. At Delhi Public School Warangal, fostering this supportive environment is essential for children’s academic success and personal growth.