

How can students and teachers work out ways to improve grades?


Students may find themselves academically underperforming, at different stages in their school life. This could be due to many reasons including stress and exam-related anxiety. It is disappointing to get lower grades than what one has expected and worked for. It is essential to remember that grades are only one way to evaluate one’s understanding of the subject. Focusing on the subjects taught during the class and actively participating in the sessions works wonders to improve grades. 

Creating engaging and interactive classes can help score well. Typically, the best boarding schools in Warangal follow an upgraded education module and methods that encourage students to understand concepts in a better way and improve grades.

Ways by which schools and teachers can help students score well:

1. Set High Expectations

Teachers can create an enthusiastic, and competitive environment in the classroom by setting high expectations. They should encourage students to achieve higher by using tools of praise, prizes, and recognition for their achievements and improvements. While all teachers can provide good study material, a small component that drives students to do well is a healthy sense of competition. By creating rewards for better performance, students feel motivated to do their very best.

2. Establish a Classroom Routine

Having a consistent and effective routine helps students organise their lessons. Without a proper schedule, students end up misbehaving. Make rules and consequences clear. This will save time for teaching rather than dealing with classroom management issues. While a CBSE school has a clear curriculum to follow and a lesson plan, engaging with students in a way that helps them plan in advance, giving them homework to pre-read, and ensuring that they stay engaged through the duration are some of the tools in building a classroom routine. 

Ways by which students can improve their scores:

1. Work out where you’re falling short: 

It is important to work out in the areas where you are underperforming before drawing a plan of action. You need to find the pattern by checking answer sheets of the previous few weeks whether you are scoring less across all your subjects, or is there a particular area or concept you’re struggling with and it is bringing down your overall performance in a particular subject.

2. Allow plenty of time for revision

The reason for achieving lower scores than you’d hoped could be that you didn’t allow enough time for revising for them. Revision allows you to find the areas you need to spend more time on, and achieving good grades in them will boost your confidence. Take sufficient time for revision as it is an essential step.

3. Improve your memory

Students face issues in remembering the information they need for exams which brings their grades down. There is a lot of information to learn and remember like facts, figures, and theories. While the brain is good at holding the information you’ve learned for a long period of time, it still becomes difficult to draw the information when you need it. Some memory tricks that can help to make the brain more receptive to absorbing more information are:

• Breaking the information into small parts: 

It’s easier to remember and process the information after breaking it up into small chunks. Instead of trying to memorize an entire chapter, one should focus on one small section or key information at a time.

• Switch between different topics: 

The brain organises the information more effectively if you switch between different subjects while studying. Switching between topics that are different from each other can help keep your brain relaxed and not get stressed trying to remember too much information about one subject.